How Optimized Legal Can Help:
Pre-Litigation & Discovery Strategy:
Examples of questions in this area that Optimized Legal can help resolve include:​​
Where should you file? Which jurisdiction and why (based on judges, judgments, and other factors).
When should you file? Does filing make more at a specific time or after a decision is rendered in a particular case?
What should be included in a filing based on the judge and jurisdiction?
What type(s) of outcomes may be expected based on outcome probabilities?
Which discovery information sources are most essential?
What is the most efficient way to wade through discovery responses and documents?
How should you allocate resources at this stage?
Litigation Strategy:
Examples of questions in this area that Optimized Legal can help resolve include:​​
Which arguments are most effective and why (statistically speaking)?
Which cases are most relevant in the issue area within the jurisdiction?
What are the most important issues in the case and what types of outcomes may be expected on the individual issues?
What is the most effective way to convey the arguments and information to the court?
What are the best ways to counter the opposing party's arguments based on previous cases and judge specific data?
What are expected and reasonable settlement ranges based on the information in the case and any additional background knowledge?
Post-Case Assessment:
Examples of questions in this area that Optimized Legal can help resolve include:​​
What are the short term and long term repercussions of the decision to the case actors?
Can you expect policy changes as a result of the decision?
What were your most effective arguments in the case?
How were specific aspects of the decision influenced (or related to) specific arguments?
How does the case outcome posture you for future litigation in this area?
What potential outcomes may be expected from choices made based on an analysis of the decision.
Statistical Analyses:
Examples of questions in this area that Optimized Legal can help resolve include:​​
What is the fallout from past decisions or laws in an area?
How have specific groups been affected?
Does a specific law or judicial decision impact certain groups or individuals more than others?
Is this impact statistically significant even after controlling for other mediating factors?
What are the predicted effects of a decision or a law in the future?
How have groups or individuals conformed behavior based on legal outcomes?
Comparative Judicial Metrics
Examples of questions in this area that Optimized Legal can help resolve include:​​
How has the judge in the case resolved similar matters in the past?
Are there reasons to think a judge will deviate from past behavior?
What factors should we expect will impact the judge's decision?
What are the best ways to tailor an argument to a specific judge?
What types of outcomes can we expect from a specific judge in a given scenario?
Comparative Litigation Metrics
Examples of questions in this area that Optimized Legal can help resolve include:​​
Has opposing counsel tried similar cases in the past and along which dimensions?
What have been opposing counsel's most and least successful arguments in a given area?
What are opposing counsel's resources and relationships in a given area of law?
What have been the most effective responses to arguments we might expect from opposing counsel in similar situations in the past?
How effective is your firm or practice in certain area of law?
What arguments should be borrowed from past cases and how can other arguments be recrafted to give your firm or practice the best chance of success?